Every Wedding Dress Rachel McAdams Has Ever Worn, Ranked.

Deanna Ortiz
4 min readFeb 17, 2021


Rachel McAdams. One of the best actresses of our generation, the queen of romantic comedies. And what does every romantic comedy need? A tear-jerking, effortlessly chic, enviable yet never attainable wedding scene. Which McAdams has in droves. (There's 6)

So here is the DEFINITIVE list of every…single…. wedding dress Rachel McAdams has ever worn. probably.

#6 Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga


Ok so admittedly this is not a wedding dress.. but seeing as how these two end up together anyway (lol good on ya Will Ferrell) I think this would be the kind of dress she would wear and since I made up the rules to this arbitrary game, I’ll allow it. There’s a lot to be said about a bride wearing blue lipstick, even more is to be said about a bride wearing a down feather bolero jacket. I first look at this and think, yeah I could pull this off. But deep in my heart I know it is reserved for statuesque Swedes and Coachellians who have always dreamed of a winter wedding.

#5 Game Night


If there's one thing we know, it's that a sequined bodice will always pair nicely with Dance-Dance- Revolution. This dress is the definition of low maintenance, considering she’s only seen in it for 30 seconds and she's jumping around the entire time. Get you a dress who can do both. Also, can we just take a second to acknowledge how insane it would be if you made your entire friends and family watch you and your husband play DDR at your wedding. Nothing but respect for MY McAdams, but a weird flex nonetheless.

#4 Time Traveler’s Wife


The DEFINITION of a standard movie wedding dress. Timeless, sweetheart necklace, perfect for your wedding to a time-traveling nomad who has been stalking you since you were 8 years old. This dress even has one of those wrist holders so you can lift your dress up while you dance. Tres Chic! Good thing too because your husband will evaporate before the night is over, leaving you to unzip all by yourself.

#3 The Vow


I mean…. is there anything she doesn’t look good in! Imagine walking down the street, seeing this dress in the window in a Francesca's and thinking ‘yes.. this is the dress I will marry Channing Tatum in’. Quirky, flirty, and can be found in a pinch, considering you also wore it to your 8th-grade homecoming dance. But this wedding takes place at the Art Institute, where they have to dodge security guards, so an easy-breezy moveable dress certainly comes in clutch. Channel your inner manic-pixie Zooey Deschanel girl and pray that someone doesn’t show up wearing this EXACT outfit.

#2 The Notebook


I’m sorry did you think this was going to be number one? Well, you’re WRONG, because she ends up with NOAH, not Lon. But still, this is that old-timey dress that only 1950’s Southern money can buy. I mean what could you expect for the wedding that the Daily Journal is calling the ‘social highlight of the season’. And if you’re going to faint after seeing Ryan Gosling for the first time in years, you might as well be wearing something this stunning. Also, Allie sitting in the tub contemplating her life while still wearing her veil is a BIG MOOD no matter what the year is. Now if Nicholas Spark wants to come forward with the sketch of what Allie’s dress to Noah would look like, we can talk about changing the ranking. I’m thinking lace, ethereal vibes…..sheer sleeves… no, you’re crying! What's happening here!?

#1 About Time


This is not up for debate. Red dress. RED DRESS! If I think too much about this scene I WILL cry. A solo Rachel McAdams swaying down the aisle surrounded by rainbow streamers… Yeah I do want a red wedding dress after watching this movie, no you will not change my mind, and YES she does have the veil to match. This scene takes what you thought you knew about weddings and throws them out the window. This dress literally withstands a monsoon and was in the same room as Bill Nighy, no other dress even compares.

So yeah, when I set out to write this, I did think there would be more scenes. I feel like I’ve watched Rachel McAdams get married over 20 times but some of those must have been imagined. This is the final list, no others need apply. And if you made it this far into these insane ramblings, you must be my mother. Hi Mom.

OBVIOUSLY, none of these pictures belong to me.



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